Behind The PSUB Test
Two Students From Bangkalan got The Excellent Class Tickets
After well-held AMFIBI Plus 2011, SMAN 3 Pamekasan hold PSUB test on Tuesday (3 / 5) yesterday to found the great students in academic and non academic.From hundreds of students who follow PSUB in academic test will be taken 17 students for X-1 class and 8 students for X-2 Class. From hundreds of students who participated, there were 5 students from Bangkalan which follow this test. 3 students from SMPN 1 Bangkalan and two from SMPN 2 Bangkalan and SMPN 4 Bangkalan.
One participant from Bangkalan named Aning said the reason she followed this test is to measure the ability of her. She admitted it had been prepared ahead of time.
Announcement of the test was announced on Thursday (5 / 5) via the website. Results, 2 student of Bangkalan got tickets to became X-1 students. They were Nurul Aini from SMPN 1 Bangkalan and Abdul Hakim from SMPN 2 Bangkalan. They will be a 15th generation of SmartClass in SMAN 3 Pamekasan